Defining Transformations

For basic information about transformations see Chapter 42, Transformations.

Here we will explain how you should create transformations that change the data flowing through some components.

For brief table overview of transformations see Transformations Overview.

Below we can learn the following:

  1. What components allow transformations.

    Components Allowing Transformation

  2. What language can be used to write transformations.

    Java or CTL

  3. Whether definition can be internal or external.

    Internal or External Definition

  4. What the return values of transformations are.

    Return Values of Transformations

  5. The Transform editor and how to work with it.

    Transform Editor

  6. What interfaces are common for many of the transformation-allowing components.

    Common Java Interfaces

Components Allowing Transformation

The transformations can be defined in the following components:

Java or CTL

Transformations can be written in Java or CloudConnect transformation language (CTL):

Internal or External Definition

Each transformation can be defined as internal or external:

Here we provide a brief overview:

More details about how you should define the transformations can be found in the sections concerning corresponding components. Both transformation functions (required and optional) of CTL templates and Java interfaces are described there.

Here we present a brief table with an overview of transformation-allowing components:

Table 46.1. Transformations Overview


1): If this is yes, each data record is always sent out through all connected output ports.

2): If this is yes, each data record can be sent out through the connected output port whose number is returned by the transformation. See Return Values of Transformations for more information.