
We assume that you have already learned what is described in:

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Short Summary

RunGraph runs CloudConnect graphs.

Component Same input metadata Sorted inputs Inputs Outputs Each to all outputs1) Java CTL

1) Component sends each data record to all connected output ports.


RunGraph executes CloudConnect graphs whose names can be specified in the component attribute or received through the input port.



Port typeNumberRequiredDescriptionMetadata
Input0noFor graph names and CloudConnect command line argumentsInput Metadata for RunGraph (In-Out Mode)
Output0yesFor information about graph execution1)Output Metadata for RunGraph
12)For information about unsuccessful graph executionOutput Metadata for RunGraph


1): Information about successful execution of the specified graph is sent to the first output port if graph is specified in the component itself, or information about both success and fail is sent to it if the graph(s) is(are) specified on the input port.

2): If the name of a single graph that should be executed is specified in the component itself, the second output port must be connected. Data record is sent to it only if the specified graph fails. If the name(s) of one or more graphs that should be executed are received through input port, second output port does not need to be connected. Information about both success or fail is sent to the first output port only.

Table 57.1. Input Metadata for RunGraph (In-Out Mode)

Field numberField nameData typeDescription
0<anyname1>stringName of the graph to be executed, including path
1<anyname2>stringCloudConnect command line argument

Table 57.2. Output Metadata for RunGraph

Field numberField nameData typeDescription
0graphstringName of the graph to be executed, including path
1resultstringResult of graph execution (Finished OK, Aborted, or Error)
2descriptionstringDetailed description of graph fail
3messagestringValue of org.jetel.graph.Result
4durationinteger, long, or decimalDuration of graph execution in milliseconds
5runIDdecimalIdentification of the execution of the graph which runs on CloudConnect Server.

RunGraph Attributes

AttributeReqDescriptionPossible values
Graph URL1)Name of one graph, including path, that should be executed by the component. In this case, both output ports must be connected and information about success or fail is sent to the first or the second output port, respectively. (Pipeline mode)  
The same JVM By default, the same JVM instance is used to run the specified graphs. If switched to false, graph(s) run as external processes. When working in the server environment, this attribute always has to be true. true (default) | false
Graph parameters to pass Parameters that are used by executed graphs. List a sequence separated by semicolon. If The same JVM attribute is switched to false, this attribute is ignored. See Advanced Description for more information.  
Alternative JVM command2)Command line to execute external process. If you want to give more memory to individual graphs that should be run by this RunGraph component, type here java -Xmx1g -cp or equivalent according to the maximum memory needed by any of the specified -cp (default) | other java command
Log file URL Name of the file, including path, containing the log of external processes. The logging will be performed to the specified file independently on the value of The same JVM attribute. If The same JVM is set true (the default setting), logging will also be performed to console. If it is switched to false, logging to console will not be performed and logging information will be written to the specified file. See URL File Dialog.  
Append to log file2)By default, data in the specified log file is overwritten on each graph run. false (default) | true
Graph execution class2)Full class name to execute graph(s). org.jetel.main.runGraph (default) | other execution class
Command line arguments2)Arguments of Java command to be executed when running graph(s).  
Ignore graph fail By default, if the execution of any of the specified graphs fails (their names are received by RunGraph through the input port), the graph with RunGraph (that executes them) fails too. If this attribute is set to true, fail of each executed graph is ignored. It is also ignored if the graph with RunGraph (that executes one other graph) is specified in the component itself as the success information is sent to the first output port and the fail information is sent to the second output port. false (default) | true


1): Must be specified if input port is not connected.

2): These attributes are applied only if The same JVM attribute is set to false.

Advanced Description