Supported File URL Formats for Readers

The File URL attribute may be defined using the URL File Dialog.


To ensure graph portability, forward slashes must be used when defining the path in URLs (even on Microsoft Windows).

Here we present some examples of possible URL for Readers:

Reading of Local Files

Reading of Remote Files

Reading from Input Port

Reading from Console

Using Proxy in Readers

Reading from Dictionary


1): Reader finds out the type of source value from the dictionary and creates readable channel for the parser. Reader supports following type of sources: InputStream, byte[], ReadableByteChannel, CharSequence, CharSequence[], List<CharSequence>, List<byte[]>, ByteArrayOutputStream.

Sandbox Resource as Data Source

A sandbox resource, whether it is a shared, local or partitioned sandbox, is specified in the graph under the fileURL attributes as a so called sandbox URL like this:


where "data" is code for sandbox and "path/to/file/file.dat" is the path to the resource from the sandbox root. URL is evaluated by CloudConnect Server during graph execution and a component (reader or writer) obtains the opened stream from the server. This may be a stream to a local file or to some other remote resource. Thus, a graph does not have to run on the node which has local access to the resource. There may be more sandbox resources used in the graph and each of them may be on a different node. In such cases, CloudConnect Server would choose the node with the most local resources to minimalize remote streams.

The sandbox URL has a specific use for parallel data processing. When the sandbox URL with the resource in a partitioned sandbox is used, that part of the graph/phase runs in parallel, according to the node allocation specified by the list of partitioned sandbox locations. Thus, each worker has its own local sandbox resource. CloudConnect Server evaluates the sandbox URL on each worker and provides an open stream to a local resource to the component.