
We assume that you have already learned what is described in:

If you want to find the right Reader for your purposes, see Readers Comparison.

Short Summary

LDAPReader reads information from an LDAP directory.

Component Data source Input ports Output ports Each to all outputs1) Different to different outputs2) Transformation Transf. req. Java CTL
LDAPReaderLDAP directory tree01-nnononononono


1) Component sends each data record to all connected output ports.

2) Component sends different data records to different output ports using return values of the transformation. See Return Values of Transformations for more information.


LDAPReader reads information from an LDAP directory and converting it to CloudConnect data records. It provides the logic for extracting the results of a search and converts them into CloudConnect data records. The results of the search must have the same objectClass.

Only string and byte CloudConnect data fields are supported. String is compatible with most of ldap usual types, byte is necessary, for example, for userPassword ldap type reading.



Port typeNumberRequiredDescriptionMetadata
Output0yesFor correct data recordsAny1)
1-nnoFor correct data recordsOutput 0


1): Metadata on the output must precisely describe the structure of the read object. Metadata can use Autofilling Functions.

LDAPReader Attributes

AttributeReqDescriptionPossible values
LDAP URLyesLDAP URL of the directory.ldap://host:port/
Base DNyesBase Distinguished Name (the root of your LDAP tree). It is a comma separated list of attribute=value pairs reffering to any location with the directory, e.g., if ou=Humans,dc=example,dc=com is the root of the subtree to be search, entries representing people from example.com domain are to be found. 
Filteryesattribute=value pairs as a filtering condition for the search. All entries matching the filter will be returned, e.g., mail=* returns every entry which has an email address, while objectclass=* is the standard method for returning all entries matching a given base and scope because all entries have values for objectclass. 
Scope Scope of the search request. By default, only one object is searched. If onelevel, the level immediately below the distinguished name, if subtree, the whole subtree below the distinguished name is searched.object (default) | onelevel | subtree
User User DN to be used when connecting to the LDAP directory. Similar to the following: cn=john.smith,dc=example,dc=com. 
Password Password to be used when connecting to the LDAP directory. 
Multi-value separator LDAPReader can handle keys with multiple values. These are delimited by this string or character. <none> is special escape value which turns off this functionality, then only the first value is read. This attribute can only be used for string data type. When byte type is used, the first value is the only one that is read."|" (default) | other character or string
Alias handling to control how aliases (leaf entries pointing to another object in the namespace) are dereferenced always | never | finding (default)| searching
Referral handling By default, links to other servers are ignored. If follow, the referrals are processed. ignore (default) | follow

Advanced Description

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