Chapter 3. Initial Setup

Before we start we must create and setup few GoodData analytical projects that we are going to use later in this chapter.

First, please download the example files archive and unzip it. You should see the demodata and maql on your disk after unzipping it.

Now you create the CloudConnect Demo GoodData analytical project.

First, you need to log in to the GoodData platform. Open your browser and go to the login page. Please submit the form with the GoodData username and password and you'll end up on the page that contains a link to your user profile. You must click on this link to initialize the GoodData session.

Now you create a new CloudConnect Demo project with couple datasets. Here are the quick steps:

  1. Create a New Project by submitting the form at

    Creating New GoodData Project

    Figure 3.1. Creating New GoodData Project

    Please cut and paste the new project-id into a scrapbook editor. You'll frequently use it throughout this chapter.

  2. Create LDM in the new project by cutting and pasting the content of the MAQL DDL script maql/all.maql to where the project-id is the project hash of the newly created project. Paste the content of the file to the big text area on the page and click on the Execute.

    Creating the Demo Project LDM

    Figure 3.2. Creating the Demo Project LDM