Analytical Designer - Frequently Asked Questions
What are recommendations?
As you build an insight, the Analytical Designer creates recommendations that can help you automatically modify the insight based on common usage patterns gathered from the GoodData platform.
Are recommendations pulling in my private data for others to use?
No. The engine that generates recommendations uses metadata and aggregated usage statistics across the platform. Data security remains a top security for GoodData and no company-specific information or report data is shared.
Can I create metrics in Analytical Designer?
You can expand facts by applying different calculations, such as sum, average, minimum, maximum, and so on. This does not apply to metrics.
You can also use any two facts/metrics/attributes in an insight to create a metric. For details, see Create Metrics in Insights.
Why can I not edit an insight?
The insight may be used on a locked KPI dashboard (it is marked with a lock icon ). Only workspace administrators can edit such insights. You can create a copy of this insight by clicking Save as new and edit it.
How do insight filters and the dashboards filter interact?
For details, see the How the Dashboard Data Filter and Insight Date Filters Interact section in Create Dashboards.
Can I hide some items from Data Catalog?
Yes, you can hide items in the embedded mode. Use the includeObjetsWithTags
and excludeObjectsWithTags
parameters to display or hide the facts, metrics, attributes, and dates.
If you assign tags to folders, these parameters do not show/hide them. To show a folder, show at least one item in this folder. To hide a folder, hide all items in the folder.
For additional information, see Embed Analytical Designer.
Why do some items disappear from Data Catalog?
Items in Data Catalog change dynamically as you create your insight. Analytical Designer shows only items that you can add to your insight at the moment. For example, if you add items that are not connected to any date dimension, Analytical Designer hides the date attribute because you cannot use it to filter or slice your data.
Also, items in your Data Catalog correspond with the data model of your workspace. Contact your admin if you have any questions.
If you add an attribute to filter the insight first and then you add unrelated facts, metrics, or attributes to the Metric(s) section, the attribute stays in the insight but does not filter the data.
Analytical Designer then displays a message informing you that the filter may not affect your data.
Note that you can enable a feature flag that will let you show and use hidden items, which might be a valid use case in very specific scenarios for advanced users. For additional information, see also Data Catalog in Analytical Designer.
Why are some metrics and attributes hidden when I switch insights?
When you switch from one insight type to another that does not support the same sections, GoodData hides the items from those sections and displays the message “Unsupported items are hidden".
For example, when you switch from a table with items in the Metrics section and items in the Rows/Columns section to a headline that has only the Metrics sections, items from the table’s Rows/Columns sections are hidden. When you switch back without changing anything, all the original items are displayed again.
For additional information, see Insight Types.