Using a Custom Time Dimension in a Logical Data Model

In some situations, you need to slice your data by timestamps. For example:

  • To predict the number of call center personnel required at different times of a day, you may want to see data from a call center sliced by hour and minute or by hour and quarter hour (15-minute intervals).
  • To plan the movie schedule at a cinema, you may need to know how many tickets are sold for particular movies at different times of day across a selected range of dates.

To handle such situations, we recommend that you split the date and time into separate attributes. To do so:

  1. Create a date dimension for the date attribute using either a standard (default) calendar, or a custom fiscal calendar.
  2. Add a custom time dimension to handle the time of day.

You can use the custom time dimension together with a GoodData date dimension for slicing the data, or you can use it independently if you need to see trends by time-of-day across dates.

When you are creating a custom time dimension, consider the following:

  • Adding attributes for any custom intervals (for example, quarter hour)
  • Adding labels for any custom display formats (for example, 12-hour clock vs. 24-hour clock)
  • Adding labels for sorting so that hours, minutes, and seconds are displayed without leading zeros, and so that AM times precede PM times when using a 12-hour clock

Custom Time Dimensions in a Logical Data Model

The following picture shows a sample logical data model (LDM) for collecting data from a call center. The LDM has two custom time dimension datasets: Started Time and Ended Time.


The following picture shows the attributes and labels in the Started Time time dimension dataset:

Load the Data into Your Data Warehouse

Follow these steps to create and load Data Warehouse tables for your custom time dimension:

  1. Create a table (wh_time_of_day) in your Data Warehouse instance using the TIME data type.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wh_time_of_day;
    CREATE TABLE wh_time_of_day
      (time_of_day        TIME)
  2. Generate 24 hours of data:

    1. Create a temporary table (tmp_hour) for hours with 24 rows containing a single column that holds values of ‘00’ through ‘23’.

        (hour_of_day     CHAR(2) )
      INSERT INTO tmp_hour VALUES('00');
      INSERT INTO tmp_hour VALUES('23');
    2. Create a temporary table (tmp_min_sec) for minutes and seconds with 60 rows containing a single column that holds values of ‘00’ through ‘59’.

        (min_sec_of_day  CHAR(2) )
      INSERT INTO tmp_min_sec VALUES('00'); 
      INSERT INTO tmp_min_sec VALUES('59');
  3. Load the data to the Data Warehouse table (wh_time_of_day). In this example, you are going to truncate and load the wh_time_of_day table using INSERT with a SELECT of all rows from tmp_hour with a Cartesian join (CROSS JOIN) to tmp_min_sec for minutes. The Cartesian join will join each hour (00-23) with minutes (00-59). If the time dimension needs to be down to the second, add another Cartesian join that will join each hour and minute to each second (00-59).

    TRUNCATE TABLE wh_time_of_day;
    INSERT /*+direct*/ INTO wh_time_of_day
      SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(a.hour_of_day || ':' || b.min_sec_of_day || ':' ||
             c.min_sec_of_day, 'HH:MI:SS')
        FROM tmp_hour a
          CROSS JOIN tmp_min_sec b
          CROSS JOIN tmp_min_sec c 
       ORDER BY a.hour_of_day, b.min_sec_of_day, c.min_sec_of_day; 
  4. Load the output stage table (or GoodData dataset) from the Data Warehouse table (wh_time_of_day), using SQL for formatting the desired attributes and labels. The following are some examples of formatting the various attributes and labels:

    -- SELECT from wh_time_of_day...
    -- 24 hour clock time formats
    TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH:MI:SS') AS time_hhmmss,
    TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH:MI') AS time_hhmm,
    TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH') AS time_hh,
    -- 12 hour clock time in hours
       WHEN LEFT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) = '0'
            THEN RIGHT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12 AM'), 4)
       ELSE TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12 AM')
      AS time_hour,
    EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_of_day) AS time_hour_sort, -- integer for hour sort
    -- 12 hour clock down to minutes
       WHEN LEFT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) = '0'
            THEN RIGHT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12:MI AM'), 7)
       ELSE TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12:MI AM')
      AS time_minute,
    (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_of_day) * 100) + EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) 
          AS time_minute_sort,  -- integer HHMM for sorting
    -- 12 hour clock down to seconds
       WHEN LEFT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) = '0'
            THEN RIGHT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12:MI:SS AM'), 10)
       ELSE TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12:MI:SS AM')
      AS time_second,
    (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_of_day) * 10000) + 
    (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) * 100) +
     CAST(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'SS') AS INTEGER) 
      AS time_second_sort,  -- integer HHMMSS for sorting
    -- half hour intervals (similar for quarter hour intervals)
       WHEN EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) < 30
        AND LEFT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) = '0'
            THEN RIGHT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) || ':00 ' ||  
                 TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'AM')
       WHEN EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) < 30
            THEN TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12') || ':00 ' || 
                 TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'AM')
       WHEN EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) < 60
        AND LEFT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) = '0'
            THEN RIGHT(TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12'), 1) || ':30 ' || 
                       TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'AM')
       ELSE TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'HH12') || ':30 ' || TO_CHAR(time_of_day, 'AM')
     AS time_halfhour,
    -- half hour interval sort (integer formatted as HH00 or HH30)
       WHEN EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_of_day) < 30
            THEN (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_of_day) * 100) 
       ELSE (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_of_day) * 100) + 30
      AS time_halfhour_sort