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White Label Your Domain
The GoodData white labeling program is a service that enables customers to remove branding elements in the GoodData Portal and optionally replace them with branding from the customer enterprise.
White-labeling is applied to Your GoodData Domain.
White Labeling program is standard on the Enterprise plan and available as an add-on on the Growth plan. Learn more about GoodData pricing options.
If your enterprise has multiple GoodData domains (formerly known as ‘GoodData organizations’) and you want to apply white-labeling to only one, or if you want to migrate users between domains, contact GoodData Customer Support.
Key Benefits of White Labeling
- Integrated branding. Deliver your GoodData solution under your own brand, making the solution a part of your product suite.
- GoodData within your domain. Integrate your GoodData solution into your DNS domain, including a customizable application URL.
What You Can White-Label
- Names: Company names, application names, and domain names.
- Logo: Application logos, icons, and favicon.
- Portal URLs and menus: URLs in the Portal that connect to GoodData resources, as well as Support, Workspace, and Account menu items.
- Email addresses: Send-from addresses in emails generated from the Portal.
- Selected components and text elements: Some components and text elements of the Portal can be disabled through white labeling.
- Selected skin elements: Some elements of the web page skin can be styled to align them with your brand.
- Custom themes: Create your own themes to customize fonts, texts, and additional visual elements.
For detailed information about all elements that can be white-labeled, see Customize the White-Labeled Domain.
You cannot white-label the Portal layout or the format of emails generated by the Portal.
To request white-labeling, you must have a valid customer contract with GoodData Corporation, including licensing of the white-labeling service.
Start the White-labeling Process
- If you have just started with GoodData or you have a new domain you want to white-label, see White-Label a New Domain.
- If you are an existing customer, see White-Label an Existing Domain.
For further reading: