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Deprovision Your Data Warehouse Instance
If needed, you can deprovision a Data Warehouse instance.
When an instance is deleted, it is still listed as one of your instances for 14 days, with a status of DELETED. After 14 days, the instance is completely deleted and is not listed there anymore. This applies to Data Warehouse instances with any environment (PRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, TESTING).
You cannot add or remove data from the instance using the JDBC driver.
Deleting an instance cannot be undone.
Deprovisioning an instance removes it from access through the JDBC driver. Before you deprovision an instance, review all of the users and workspaces that are connected to the instance. All users should be informed of the change in advance of removing the instance, so that they can verify that none of their workspaces is affected. Also, make arrangements so that any workspaces using the Data Warehouse instance has access to data through another resource, such as a replacement Data Warehouse instance.
- Visit your list of instances at
- Click the instance you want to delete, and click Delete. The status of the instance is changed: DELETED.