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Data Warehouse Quick Start
To get started using Data Warehouse, verify that you have the following in place:
- A GoodData platform account. If you are already accessing the GoodData Portal, you need these credentials in your Data Warehouse implementation.
- Data Warehouse-enabled authorization token. Contact GoodData Customer Support to enhance your existing workspace authorization token to enable the creation and management of your Data Warehouse instances.
- Application access. This document covers Java-based graphical database client tools such as SQuirrel SQL and GoodData’s Logical Data Modeler. You can also connect to Data Warehouse programmatically from Java, JRuby, or other Java-based languages and platforms.
- (Optional) GoodData workspace as a target. If you plan to load the data from Data Warehouse into the GoodData platform, you must have the Administrator role for at least one GoodData workspace.