Lookup Table Functions

In your graphs you are also using lookup tables. You need to use them in CTL by specifying the name of the lookup table and placing it as an argument in the lookup() function.


Remember that you should not use the functions shown below in the init(), preExecute(), or postExecute() functions of CTL template.

Now, the key in the function below is a sequence of values of the field names separated by comma (not semicolon!). Thus, the key is of the following form: keyValuePart1,keyValuePart2,...,keyValuePartN.

See the following options:

Example 62.8. Usage of Lookup Table Functions


// record with the same metadata as those of lookup table
recordName1 myRecord;

// variable for storing number of duplicates
integer count;

// Transforms input record into output record.
function integer transform() {

     // if lookup table contains duplicate records, 
     // their number is returned by the following expression 
     // and assigned to the count variable
     count = lookup(simpleLookup0).count($0.Field2);

     // getting the first record whose key value equals to $0.Field2
     myRecord = lookup(simpleLookup0).get($0.Field2);

     // loop for searching the last record in lookup table
     while ((count-1) > 0) {

     // searching the next record with the key specified above
     myRecord = lookup(simpleLookup0).next();

     // incrementing counter

     // mapping to the output

     // last record from lookup table
     $0.Field1 = myRecord.Field1;
     $0.Field2 = myRecord.Field2;

     // corresponding record from the edge
     $0.Field3 = $0.Field1;
     $0.Field4 = $0.Field2;	
     return 0;


In the example above we have shown you the usage of all lookup table functions. However, we suggest you better use other syntax for lookup tables.

The reason is that the following expression of CTL2:


searches the records through the whole lookup table which may contain a great number of records.

The syntax shown above may be replaced with the following loop:

myRecord = lookup(<name of lookup table>).get(<key value>);
while(myRecord != null) {
  myRecord = lookup(<name of lookup table>).next();

Especially DB lookup tables can return -1 instead of real count of records with specified key value (if you do not set Max cached size to a non-zero value).

The lookup_found(<lookup table ID>) function for CTL1 is not too recommended either.


Remember that DB lookup tables cannot be used in compiled mode! (code starts with the following header: //#CTL2:COMPILE)

You need to switch to interpreted mode (with the header: //#CTL2) to be able to access DB lookup tables from CTL2.