Error Handling

CTL2 also provides a simple mechanism for catching and handling possible errors.

However, CTL2 differs from CTL1 as regards handling errors. It does not use the try-catch statement.

It only uses a set of optional OnError() functions that exist to each required transformation function.

For example, for required functions (e.g., append(), transform(), etc.), there exist following optional functions:

appendOnError(), transformOnError(), etc.

Each of these required functions may have its (optional) couterpart whose name differs from the original (required) by adding the OnError suffix.

Moreover, every <required ctl template function>OnError() function returns the same values as the original required function.

This way, any exception that is thrown by the original required function causes call of its <required ctl template function>OnError() counterpart (e.g., transform() fail may call transformOnError(), etc.).

In this transformOnError(), any incorrect code can be fixed, error message can be printed to Console, etc.


Remember that these OnError() functions are not called when the original required functions return Error codes (values less then -1)!

If you want that some OnError() function is called, you need to use a raiseError(string arg) function. Or (as has already been said) also any exception thrown by original required function calls its OnError() counterpart.