Configure Various Features via Platform Settings

The platform settings allow you to activate or configure selected features on the GoodData platform that are currently not universally available (for example, enable Analytical Designer). Use the platform settings to test if a feature works in your particular platform environment. If you are not happy with the results, you can easily revert to your original setting.

Some features may not be available for all GoodData plans.

For more information on the GoodData terminology, see GoodData Glossary.

Hierarchical Levels of Applying Platform Settings

When you configure the platform settings, the activated features are applied in your environment hierarchically in the following order:

domain -> project group -> workspace

For example, settings configured at the domain level are inherited by the project groups (that is, by all the workspaces that have the same authorization token, see Find the Workspace Authorization Token) and the workspaces under this domain. Settings configured at the project group level are inherited only by the underlying workspaces (including those that may be created using the same authorization token in the future).

  • If you have a domain (both white-labeled and not white-labeled), you can configure the platform settings for the domain, a project group, or a specific workspace (project).
  • If you do not have a domain, you can configure the platform settings only for a specific workspace. To configure the platform settings for a project group, contact GoodData Support.

You cannot* *configure the platform settings for an individual user.

Configure a Platform Setting

For the list of the available platform settings to configure, their names and available values including the defaults, see Available Platform Settings.

  • To configure a platform setting for a workspace, you must be a workspace admin and know the workspace ID (see Find the Workspace ID).
  • To configure a platform setting for a project group or a domain, you must be a domain admin.


  1. Go to the gray page for configuring the platform settings. 

    • For a specific workspace:

    • For a project group:

    • For a domain:


    The page with the current platform settings opens.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Config section, and fill in the fields:

    • In the Key field, enter the name of the platform setting.
    • In the Value field, enter the value to set the platform setting to.

    For the list of the available platform settings to configure, their names and available values including the defaults, see Available Platform Settings.

  3. Click Create config. The platform setting is configured. The page with the details of the newly configured setting opens.

  4. Log in to the GoodData Portal, and check that the feature associated with the configured platform setting functions correctly.

Switch a Platform Setting to Its Default

For the list of the available platform settings to configure, their names and available values including the defaults, see Available Platform Settings.

  • To set a platform setting to its default in a workspace, you must be a workspace admin and know the workspace ID (see Find the Workspace ID).
  • To configure a platform setting for a project group or a domain, you must be a domain admin.


  1. Go to the gray page for configuring the platform settings. 

    • For a specific workspace:

    • For a project group:

    • For a domain:


    The page with the current platform settings opens.

  2. Locate the platform setting that you want to switch back to its default, and click its self link. The page with the setting details opens. The current value of the platform setting is displayed in the Value field.

  3. Click Delete config. The page with the current platform settings opens. The updated setting is now set to its default value.

  4. Log in to the GoodData Portal, and check that the feature associated with the configured platform setting functions correctly.

Available Platform Settings

Activate a custom theme

Activate a custom theme to customize the look of KPI Dashboards and Analytical Designer (see Create Custom Themes).

  • Name: selectedUiTheme
  • Default: None
  • To activate a custom theme, set it to the identifier of the theme.

Apply a number format to metrics in XLSX files

Apply a single number format to all the cells containing metrics in an XLSX file when a report or an insight is exported to XLSX (see Export File Types and Export Insights).

  • Name: exporter.tabularExport.fixedExcelFormat
  • Default: None
  • To apply a single number format, set it to your preferred number format (for example, #,###.00).

Change the default state of data catalog groups in Analytical Designer

Set the default state of groups of the loaded data catalog as expanded or collapsed (see Data Catalog in Analytical Designer).

  • Name: ADCatalogGroupsExpanded
  • Default: Disabled
  • To enable and have all groups expanded after loading, set it to true.

Change the number of workspaces downloaded in one query

Change the number of workspaces that should be retrieved and downloaded from Data Sources in one query. This setting is applied only to Automated Data Distribution (ADD) v2 load tasks with LCM segments configured (see Set Up Automated Data Distribution v2 for Data Warehouses).

For data load in incremental mode:

  • Name: dataload.incrementalProjectsChunkSize
  • Default: 100
  • To customize, set it to your preferred number (an integer between 1 and 500).

For data load in full mode:

  • Name: dataload.fullProjectsChunkSize
  • Default: 4
  • To customize, set it to your preferred number (an integer between 1 and 500).

Customize the link of the header logo that appears on the GoodData Portal in the top left corner.

  • Name: portalLogoPage
  • Default: The URL of the lastly opened report in the Reports section (if available); otherwise, none
  • To customize, set it to your desired URL (must start with https://). To link to another section in the GoodData Portal, the URL must start with / (for example, /dashboards/ for the Dashboards section or /analyze/ for Analytical Designer).

Enable Showing Hidden Items for Insights

Let users see and use otherwise hidden analytical items (metrics and attributes) in the analytical designer, even if they are deemed unapplicable to the current configuration of the insight.

  • Name: enableUnavailableItemsVisible
  • Default: false (cannot see hidden analytical items in Analytical Designer)
  • To enable it, set it to true.

Customize the link in the invitation email so that the invited user is redirected to the URL where your custom application runs (see Gooddata.UI: Set Up Authentication and Single Sign-On) instead of your white-labeled domain page.

  • Name: invitationWelcomePage
  • Default: The URL of your white-labeled domain page
  • To customize, set it to the URL where your application runs (for example,

Disable adding recipients to KPI Dashboard schedule emails

Disable adding recipients other than yourself to KPI Dashboard schedule emails (see Schedule Automatic Emailing of KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableKPIDashboardScheduleRecipients
  • Default: true (can add recipients)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable Analytical Designer

Disable Analytical Designer (see Analytical Designer) and hide it from the GoodData Portal.

  • Name: analyticalDesigner
  • Default: true (Analytical Designer enabled)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable drillable attributes in KPI Dashboards

Disable the possibility to use hyperlink attribute labels to drill to URLs without further configuration on KPI dashboards (see Drill to URL from KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableClickableAttributeURL
  • Default: true
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable duplication of KPI Dashboards

Disable the possibility to duplicate KPI Dashboards (see Duplicate KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableKPIDashboardSaveAsNew
  • Default: true (KPI Dashboards can be duplicated)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable resetting dashboard filters

Disable the possibility for user to reset dashboard filters to their default values.

  • Name: disableFilterReset
  • Default: false (can add reset filters)
  • To disable filter resets, set it to true.

Disable insight editing from KPI Dashboards

Disable the possibility to edit insights directly from KPI Dashboards for users with at least Explorer rights (see Edit Items on KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableEditInsightsFromKD
  • Default: true (insights can be edited)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable insight exploring from KPI Dashboards

Disable the possibility to explore insights directly from KPI Dashboards for users with at least Explorer rights (see Edit Items on KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableExploreInsightsFromKD
  • Default: true (insights can be explored)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable KPI Dashboards

Disable KPI Dashboards (see KPI Dashboards) and hide them from the GoodData Portal.

  • Name: enableAnalyticalDashboards
  • Default: true (KPI Dashboards enabled)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable the cell limit for table reports

Disable the cell limit for table reports.

The cell limit is applied to table reports. This limit specifies the maximum number of cells in a table report that a browser can display without impacting performance. When the limit is hit (a table report is too big to be displayed), the warning message appears instead of the report saying “Report too large to display”. To show the report anyway, you can click Show anyway directly from the warning message.

When the cell limit is disabled, the warning message does not appear, and the report is automatically computed and displayed regardless of the number of cells but may take longer to render.

  • Name: disableCellLimit
  • Default: false (the cell limit applied; the warning message appears)
  • To disable, set it to true.

Disable data sorting in Analytical Designer

Disable the possibility to sort data in insights (see Sort Data in Insights).

  • Name: enableChartsSorting
  • Default: true (sorting is enabled)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable the dashboard email feature

Hide the clock icon from the dashboard, which disables the ability to schedule emails from the dashboards (see Schedule Automatic Emailing of Dashboards to Yourself and Others).

  • Name: hideDashboardSchedule
  • Default: false (the clock icon displayed)
  • To hide, set it to true.

Disable the enhanced filter bar in Analytical Designer

Disable the new enhanced filter bar in Analytical Designer. The new filter bar is necessary for some features, such as metric value filter and multiple date attributes in tables and heatmaps.

  • Name: enableNewADFilterBar
  • Default: true (the filter bar enabled)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable scheduled exports of insights in Dashboards

Disable the possibility to schedule exports of individual inisghts on dashboards (see Schedule Automatic Emailing of Dashboards).

  • Name: enableInsightExportScheduling
  • Default: true (export of insights is enabled)
  • To enable, set it to false.

Disable the embed button in Analytical Designer

Disable the button that offers embedding options for embedding insights using GoodData.UI.

  • Name: enableEmbedButtonInAD
  • Default: true (the button with embed options is visible)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Disable the Reports and Dashboards sections

Disable the Reports and Dashboards sections (see GoodData Portal) and hide them from the GoodData Portal.

  • Name: hidePixelPerfectExperience
  • Default: false (the Reports and Dashboards sections enabled)
  • To disable, set it to true.

Enable adding recipients to dashboard schedule emails

Enable adding recipients other than yourself to dashboard schedule emails (see Schedule Automatic Emailing of Dashboards to Yourself and Others).

  • Name: dashboardScheduleRecipients
  • Default: false (cannot add other recipients)
  • To enable adding other recipients, set it to true.

Enable hiding of insight titles in Dashboards

Enable the possibility to hide insight titles on dashbaords.

  • Name: enableHidingOfWidgetTitle
  • Default: false (the hiding of titles is disabled)
  • To enable, set it to true.

Enable Agile Data Warehouse Service (ADS) Data Sources

Add the Agile Data Warehouse Service (ADS) Data Source type to the list of available data source types. This data source type is used to export data from an ADS instance. For more information, see Exporting Data from Data Warehouse.

  • Name: enableADSDataSource
  • Default: false
  • To enable the ADS Data Source type, set to true.

Enable axis label formatting in Analytical Designer

Enable the possibility to inherit the format of axis labels from the first metric in the insight. For details, see Configure Insight Properties.

  • Name: enableAxisLabelFormat
  • Default: true (inheriting the format enabled)
  • To disable, set it to false.

Enable filtering metrics by date

Enable the use of date filters for individual metrics in Analytical Designer (see Filter Metrics by Date).

  • Name: enableMetricDateFilter
  • Default: false (filtering metrics by date disabled)
  • To enable, set it to true.

Enable group items in Data Catalog in Analytical Designer

Enable item grouping in Data Catalog (see Data Catalog in Analytical Designer) by tags or folders.

  • Name: AdCatalogGrouping
  • Default: Disabled (item grouping disabled)
  • To enable, set it to ByFolders or ByTagNamingConvention.

Enable insight zooming on KPI Dashboards

Enable the possibility to zoom insights on KPI Dashboards (see Edit Items on KPI Dashboards).

  • Name: enableKDZooming
  • Default: false (zooming disabled)
  • To enable, set it to true.

Enable additional insights (Pyramid and Funnel Charts, Dependency Wheel, Sankey Diagram, and Waterfall Chart)

See the Insight Types section for details.

  • Name: enablePyramidChart
  • Name: enableFunnelChart
  • Name: enableDependencyWheelChart
  • Name: enableSankeyChart
  • Name: enableWaterfallChart
  • Default: disabled (additional insights are disabled)
  • To enable them, set the parameter to enabled.

Enable the filter delete button in KPI Dashboards

Enable a button that allows you to delete individual dashboard filters with a click instead of dragging them into the sidebar.

  • Name: enableKPIDashboardDeleteFilterButton
  • Default: false (the button is disabled)
  • To enable, set it to true.

Enable weeks in date filters in Analytical Designer and KPI Dashboards

Enable weeks in date filters in Analytical Designer and KPI Dashboards.

  • Name: enableWeekFilters
  • Default: false (weeks disabled)
  • To enable weeks, set it to true.

Enable Changing the First Day of the Week

If enabled, you can then use weekStartOnMondayEnabled to select Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week.

  • Name: enableNewUIWeekStartChange
  • Default: false
  • To enable, set it to true.

Replace “fact” and “metric” with “measure” and “calculated measure” respectively across the UI

Activate an opt-out from the nomenclature consistency update in which the terms “measure” and “calculated measure” are replaced by “fact” and “metric”, respectively. For details, see these Release Notes.

  • Name: enableRenamingMeasureToMetric
  • Default: true
  • To replace “fact” and “metric” with “measure” and “calculated measure” respectively, set it to false.

Resolve dashboard filter values for embedded dashboards

Add the resolved values of dashboard filters when drilling to URL from embedded KPI Dashboards using the redirect-drill-url-to-message=all embedding parameter. For details, see Embed a KPI Dashboard and Communication with Embedded KPI Dashboards.

  • Name: enableFilterValuesResolution
  • Default: false (resolution disabled)
  • To enable resolution, set it to true.

Select the First Day of the Week

If enableNewUIWeekStartChange is enabled, you can use this platform setting to select Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week.

  • Name: weekStartOnMondayEnabled
  • Default: false
  • To select Monday as the first day of the week, set it to true.

Set the date format for a workspace

Set the format in which dates will be displayed for all users in a workspace (see Change Date Format).

  • Name: responsiveUiDateFormat
  • Default: None
  • To specify a format, set it to one of the following:
    • MM/dd/yyyy
    • dd/MM/yyyy
    • dd-MM-yyyy
    • yyyy-MM-dd
    • M/d/yy
    • dd.MM.yyyy

Set the first day of the week in date filters to Monday

Set the first day of the week in the calendar in date filters (see Filter for Dates) to Monday instead of Sunday.

This setting applies only for the dashboards available under the Dashboards section on the GoodData Portal. This setting does not affect the date filters in Analytical Designer or KPI Dashboards.

  • Name: weekStartOnMondayEnabled
  • Default: false (first day is Sunday)
  • To switch to Monday, set it to true.

Set the timeout for the embedded dashboard to trigger the “embedded.ready” event

Set the timeout (in seconds) for waiting for the embedded dashboard to trigger the event “Dashboard export initiated - embedded content completed loading” (the embedded.ready event), which indicates that the content of the embedded dashboard completes loading. For more information, see Embedded Dashboard Events.

  • Name: embeddedReadyTimeout
  • Default: 30
  • To set the timeout, set it to your preferred timeout (an integer representing the number of seconds).

Switch to the latest version of the Extensible Analytics Engine (XAE)

The latest version of the Extensible Analytics Engine (see Extensible Analytics Engine (XAE) - FAQ) allows you to use the following:

  • The enhanced version of the COUNT function (see COUNT) and modeling many-to-many relationships in logical data models (LDM)

  • Filter data by weeks in Analytical Designer or KPI Dashboards, compare the data to the previous period or the same period of the last year in week filters, and use weeks when customizing your date filter on KPI Dashboards

Before switching, review Upgrading XAE to Version 3.

  • Name: xae_version
  • Default: 1 (the older version in use)
  • To switch, set it to 3.

Switch to the new look-and-feel of the Dashboards section

Update the user interface of the Dashboards section on the GoodData Portal with more attractive up-to-date visuals. For more information, see these Release Notes.

  • Name: newUIEnabled
  • Default: classic
  • To switch to the new look-and-feel, set to indigo.

Disable deduplication

Disable deduplication to enable larger data uploads.

If set to true, duplicities are deduplicated before the upload. If set to false, the upload will fail if the data contains duplicities.

Duplicity occurs if there are more of the same primary keys or fact table grains.

  • Name: etl.lastRecordDeduplication
  • Default: true
  • To disable deduplication, set it to false.

Treat null values as zero in Analytical Designer

Treat null values as zero when filtering insights by values (see Filter Insights by Values).

  • Name: ADMeasureValueFilterNullAsZeroOption
  • Default: EnabledUncheckedByDefault (treat as zero enabled and option deselected)
  • To enable and automatically select the option, set it to EnabledCheckedByDefault.
  • To hide the checkbox, set it to Disabled.

Enable Partitioned Cookies

See Enabling Partitioned Cookies for details on the why and what of partitioned cookies use in GoodData Platform.

This is a domain-level setting and you must be a domain admin to change it, see Configure a Platform Setting.

You can find the setting here:


To enable it, set its value to True.