GoodData Glossary

This glossary lists and explains terms connected with using GoodData analytical tools.



ADS Agile Data Warehousing Service

GoodData Agile Data Warehousing Service (Data Warehouse) is a fully managed, columnar data warehousing service for the GoodData platform.

See Data Warehouse.


Automated Data Distribution

Automated Data Distribution enables you to quickly upload data from a data warehouse (such as Snowflake, Redshift, or BigQuery) or an object storage service (such as Amazon S3) to one or multiple workspaces.

See Automated Data Distribution v2 for Data Warehouses.

Administrator role

Administrators can upload and manage data, make changes to the underlying data model, invite new users to a workspace, control user roles and define variables. See User Roles.

AggregationAggregation is a process of computing metrics using aggregation functions, such as summary, average, minimum, maximum, and count, applied to a set of numerical facts.
Analytical Designer

Analytical Designer is an interface in which you create and edit insights.

See Analytical Designer.

APISee API Reference.


Attributes are non-measurable descriptors used to break down metrics and facts. In Analytical Designer, you can use attributes as facts to count the number of individual values of the attribute.

Attributes can be text or numerical.

See Attributes in Logical Data Models

Authentication token

Authentication tokens are identifiers used when you access GoodData Platform using API.

See GoodData Token Types.

Authorization token

Authorization tokens are identifiers used to create workspaces and data warehouses.

See GoodData Token Types.

Average (AVG)

The AVG function calculates the average value for a set of numbers. The average is computed by summing all the values and then dividing the sum by the number of the values in the set.

See AVG.

  • A brick is a component of the data preparation and distribution pipeline that performs a specific task based on the brick’s type: downloader, integrator, executor. See Data Preparation and Distribution Pipeline.
  • A brick is a component of Life Cycle Management (LCM) that you use to manage workspaces and users in your LCM setup. See LCM Implementation
Calculated measure

Deprecated term for metrics that was used In the Responsive interface

See Create Metrics in Insights.

CloudConnectCloudConnect is a suite of products and services used to extract data from enterprise systems and transform and load it into the GoodData Platform for use in your workspaces. This suite includes CloudConnect Designer, CloudConnect LDM Modeler, and the Data Integration Console, as well as the execution environment for ETL processes in the GoodData Platform.

CloudConnect Designer

CloudConnect Designer is a separately installable desktop application used to design and publish the ETL graphs that feed enterprise system data into the GoodData Platform.

CloudConnect LDM Modeler

CloudConnect LDM Modeler is a component of CloudConnect Designer that enables the design and deployment of logical data models into your GoodData workspaces.

See Data Modeling Using the CloudConnect Tool .

CloudConnect platform

The CloudConnect platform includes the CloudConnect family of products and the components of the GoodData Platform that enables deployment of CloudConnect projects and the execution of their graphs.

Connection point

Connection points uniquely identify a specific record.

See Connection Points in Logical Data Models.


The Count function counts the number of individual values belonging to an attribute.

See COUNT.  


Dashboards are components of a workspace that contain one or more dashboard tabs.

See Dashboards.

Dashboard tabDashboard tabs display business reports or dashboard elements, such as key metric widgets, dashboard filters, written text, and embedded web content.

Dashboard attribute filter

Attribute filters on a dashboard enable you to filter the dashboard by selecting from a set of attribute values.

For example, if your dataset includes an Industry attribute, adding the dashboard filter for this attribute enables dashboard viewers to select the industry for which the data in the dashboard is displayed.

Dashboard date filter

Date filters on a dashboard enable you to filter a dashboard by selecting values from a date-related dimension.

Dashboard filter

Dashboard filters allow you to select values to be included or excluded from the dashboard's report calculations. You can create filters for attributes, date datasets, and variables that you define. Only users with Editor and Administrator roles can create dashboard filters.

  • See dashboard attribute filter.
  • See dashboard date filter.
  • See dashboard variable filter.

Dashboard variable filter

Dashboard variable filters enable you to filter a dashboard by selecting values from a filtered (attribute) variable that you have defined for the workspace or individual users.

Data Catalog

A data Catalog is the list of facts, metrics  and attributes on the left part of the Analytical Designer interface. You can drag and drop items from Data Catalog and create insights in the Analytical Designer. You can organize your data in groups.

See Data Catalog in Analytical Designer.

Data model

Data models refer to how the data is organized within the database. This model expresses the relationships between the data and identifies the types of information stored in each field.

See Data Modeling in GoodData

See logical data model and physical data model.

Data Permissions filter

Data Permissions filters enable administrators to tie a specific filter to one or more users. For example, you can use Data Permissions filters to segment the type of data that individual users can see in the GoodData Portal.

Formerly known as a Mandatory User Filter (MUF).


Datasets are collections of related facts and attributes loaded into a workspace. They are organized by facts for numeric data and by attributes for aggregation data.

See Datasets in Logical Data Models


Dimensions are collections of related attributes. The unit used to organize daily data is the Day attribute; the collection of Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year attributes is the Date dimension. You can, for example, categorize opportunities by the dates when they were created (dimension = created) and when they were closed (dimension = closed).


Domains are basic units for organizing your workspaces, users, and related data in the GoodData platform.

See Your GoodData Domain.

Formerly known as organization.

Domain admin

Domain administrators manage your enterprise's domain in the GoodData Platform. They can provision new users and workspace.

DrillingA process of navigating among levels of data in multidimensional datasets. You can drill down, drill in, and drill across.

Drill path

Drill paths are paths that dashboard viewers can follow to analyze their reports' data at a deeper level. Drill paths can be initiated when a user clicks an attribute value (drill down) or a metric value (drill in). You can also configure a drill path that links to a different report (drill across).

Drill across

To click a metric or attribute value to display new reports or dashboard tabs that may contain entirely different metrics and attributes.

See Drilling Across.

Drill down

To click an attribute value to display another chart that measures the same metric as the original report but breaks that metric across a new attribute.

See Drill Down in KPI Dashboards and Drilling Down.

Drill in

To click a metric value to display another chart that measures the same metric as the original report but breaks that metric across a new attribute.

See Drilling In.

Editor roleEditors can customize dashboards, edit reports, and create new reports. They can update existing data sets with newer versions but do not have full access to manage workspace data. For example, editors do not have full access to a workspace's variable settings, and cannot see other workspace members or invite new members. See User Roles.
Editor + Invitation role

Editors + Invitations have the privileges of the Editor user role with the additional permission to invite users to the workspace.

See User Roles.

Editor + User Admin role

Editor + User Admin has the privileges of the Editor + Invitations user role with additional permissions to manage relations between data permissions and users and to create and manage user and workspace variables.

See User Roles.


Extract, Transform, and Load

A general process by which data is extracted from one source and transformed and loaded into a database. GoodData Platform utilizes ETL processes to use data feeds from your enterprise systems as inputs for your workspaces.
Explorer role

Explorers can access dashboards in a workspace on a view-only basis. The Explorer users can access Analytical Designer, and create and edit insights. They can also access, create, and edit KPI Dashboards.

See User Roles.

Explorer (embedded only) role

(In embedded mode only) Explorers (embedded only) can access dashboards in a workspace on a view-only basis. These users can access Analytical Designer, and create and edit insights. They can also access, create, and edit KPI Dashboards. These users cannot access GoodData Portal through direct login or through an organization's custom portal. The navigation bar is not visible.

See User Roles.

Export/Import token

Export tokens are identifiers generated when you export workspaces to use as the reference to the content. You also include these tokens in the API calls when importing workspaces.

See GoodData Token Types and API Reference for exporting and importing a workspace.


Facts are numerical values contained in a dataset. Facts are the smallest units of data in GoodData Platform that you use to create metrics.

See GoodData Portal.


Filters are sets of characteristics applied to remove values from computed and displayed values. You can create filters based on attribute values, variables, or date dimensions.
GoodData API

GoodData API is based on REST. You can use various resources to manipulate objects on the GoodData Platform.

See API Reference.

GoodData Portal

GoodData Portal is a web application in which you create insights and reports and add them to dashboards in their workspaces. GoodData Portal includes the Pixel-perfect interface and Responsive interface.

See GoodData Portal.

GraphIn GoodData Platform, a graph is the basic unit of ETL functionality for extracting data from an enterprise source and transforming and loading it into the GoodData Platform for use in your workspaces.

Graphs are created in CloudConnect Designer. One or more graphs can be contained in a single CloudConnect project, which can define the data sources and data model for one or more workspaces.

Gray pages

A visualization tool that exposes GoodData API functionality through a browser.

See Access the Gray Pages for a Workspace.


In a dataset, a hyperlink field is a label field that describes an attribute using a hyperlink value. In a report, you can click a hyperlink to open the destination URL.


Insights are defined sets of facts, attributes, and filters that visualize your data in Analytical Designer. You can use insights to build KPI dashboards.

See Insight Types.


Key Performance Indicator

KPIs are measurements that evaluate the success of a person or an organization in a particular activity.
KPI Dashboard

KPI Dashboards display business insights and KPIs.

See KPI Dashboards.


Life Cycle Management

The LCM is a GoodData feature that allows you to configure and control multiple workspaces through master workspaces.

See Managing Workspaces via Life Cycle Management.


Logical Data Model

The LDM of a workspace shows the relationships between the workspace's facts and attributes. You can use the LDM diagram generated in GoodData Portal to identify possible relationships between your data objects.

See Data Modeling in GoodData

Load sectionIn the Load section, you can load data to your GoodData workspace via a CSV file.
Local fact/metric

In the Responsive interface, local facts/metrics that are used used to display data in your insight in Analytical Designer. All items in the Fact(s) sections in your insight, are local facts/metrics.


Last Successfully Loaded Time Stamp

Last Successfully Loaded Time Stamp (LSLTS) of datasets with incremental load mode is the timestamp of the last successful data load.

See Load Modes in Automated Data Distribution v2 for Data Warehouses.

Manage sectionIn the Manage page, you can manage your datasets, metrics, and variables, you can schedule dashboard emailing and invite users into your workspace.


Short for Multi-Dimension Analytical Query Language, MAQL is a querying language available in the following forms:

  • MAQL Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to define the logical data models that are visually constructed in CloudConnect LDM Modeler.
  • MAQL Data Querying Language (DQL) is used to define aggregating metrics through GoodData Portal.

See MAQL - Analytical Query Language

Maximum (MAX)

The MAX function identifies the largest value within a set of numbers.



A deprecated term for facts.


Metrics are computational expressions that aggregate facts. You can also create metrics from attributes to count the number of individual values of the attribute.

Metric Editor

An interface for reviewing, editing, and updating custom metrics in your workspace. In the Metric Editor, you can define your metric using MAQL and by selecting from the available and applicable data objects.

See Get Started with Using MAQL to Write Metrics.

Metric Wizards

You can use Metric Wizards to create some kinds of metrics. These Wizards prevent editors from creating metrics that cannot be computed.

Minimum (MIN)

The MIN function identifies the smallest value within a set of numbers.


Output Stage

The Output Stage is a set of tables and/or views created in your data warehouse (such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake) specifically for integration with GoodData. The Output Stage serves as a source for loading data to your workspaces.

See Direct Data Distribution from Data Warehouses and Object Storage Services.


Physical Data Model

The PDM of a workspace represents how the actual data is stored in the database. This model is used to manage all the relationships expressed in the logical data model and determines how the data is organized in the database so that its retrieval is efficient.

See Data Modeling in GoodData

Pixel-perfect interfaceIn GoodData Portal, the Pixel-perfect user interface is used to create reports and put them on dashboards. This interface also includes the Manage section.
Platform Settings

Platform Settings allow you to activate features on GoodData Platform that are not universally available, and enable you to select different settings for certain features.

See Configure Various Features via Platform Settings.

Also known as feature flags.

Pivot table

Pivot tables display data in cells that are organized into rows and columns.

See Pivot Tables and Pivot a Table.

Powered By GoodData

The Powered By GoodData offering provides tools to build and deploy custom reporting solutions to your individual customers.

ProcessA process is a set of ETL graphs and their related schedules to acquire source enterprise data and load it into GoodData Platform. These graphs are deployed from CloudConnect Designer into the platform.

Project (CloudConnect)

In CloudConnect, you store ETL graphs and the logical data model in a project. These projects can be published to one or more workspaces in GoodData Portal.

Project (GoodData)In GoodData Portal, project is a deprecated term for workspace. However, terms workspace and project denote the same entity. For example, project ID is exactly the same as workspace ID. 
PromptSee variable.


Reports are defined sets of metrics, attributes, and filters that visualize your data. You can use reports to build Dashboards.

See Reports.

Responsive interfaceIn GoodData Portal, the Responsive user interface is used to create various types of insights that you can put on a dashboard or use via GoodData.UI. The interface includes Analytical Designer (the Analyze section), KPI Dashboards the KPIs section), and the Load section.

A rollup is an aggregation of values into a summary form. For example, quarterly data may be a rollup of monthly or daily data.

See Aggregate Table Data.

Running total

Running totals are summary calculations of time-based data at a defined point in time. For example, you can define a running total to be the sales to date for the current quarter.

See Running Total Functions.


Single Load Interface

SLI (Single Load Interface) is used for loading data to the GoodData workspaces.

See Loading Data via REST API.

Summary (SUM)

The SUM aggregation function adds the values of all selected numbers.



Tags are keywords that are used to describe objects in a workspace. Tags facilitate organizing and searching for reports, metrics, attributes, facts, and variables. Tags for each type of workspace object can be organized into tag libraries.

Tokens are hashed values that provide unique references within a GoodData domain.

  • See authentication token.
  • See authorization token.
  • See export/import token.

See GoodData Token Types.

User role

In GoodData Portal, you define permissions to your features and data of your workspace based on user roles. For example, users who are only permitted to review reports and dashboards within GoodData Portal but cannot edit them are assigned the Viewer role.

See User Roles.


Variables are sets of varying values that administrators can define to filter dashboards or influence metric computations based on values in a user's profile. These values can be different for individual users.

Also known as prompt in the API.

Viewer role

Viewers can access workspace dashboards on a view-only basis. The Navigation Bar is visible, but some features like links to the Dashboards, Reports, and Manage pages are not visible in this mode.

See User Roles.

Viewer (disabled exports) role

Viewers (disabled exports) have the privileges of the Viewer user role with the restricted permission to export reports.

See User Roles.

Viewer (embedded only) role

Viewers (embedded only) can only access dashboards that are embedded in another application. They do not have access to GoodData Portal through a direct login or through an organization's custom portal. Viewer (embedded only) users access workspace dashboards on a view-only basis and do not have access to the navigation bar.

See User Roles.

VisualizationVisualizations display specific parts of your data in form of tables and charts. See report and insight.

Web content

You can insert web content in an iframe in your dashboards. For example, you can insert static content such as images and webpages, or even dynamic content such as videos or Twitter feeds into your dashboards.


A white-label offering enables customers to replace GoodData branding in GoodData Portal and emails sent from GoodData Portal with the customer's branding. End users experience the GoodData solution as an offering of the customer.

See White Label Your Domain.


Widgets are dashboard elements that are used to display key metrics and geo charts. They can be optionally filtered by attributes and formatted and positioned as needed on a dashboard.


Workspaces contain all data and metadata that are associated with the workspace, such as dashboards, reports, insights, and metrics.

See Create a Workspace.

Also known under the deprecated term project.


Extensible Analytics Engine

A computational engine that advances reporting capabilities. With XAE users can carry out more complex queries in less time.

See XAE - Extensible Analytics Engine.