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Auditing Platform Events
Audit events are available only per request and may be subject to an additional charge.
For audit purposes, you can get a list of events that have occurred on the GoodData platform. To do so, use the audit events API.
The audit events are stored for seven days.
A domain admin can list the audit events for the whole domain and for any user in their domain. A user can list only their own events.
Event Properties
An event has the following properties:
- id is the unique ID of the event.
- userLogin is the login name (email address) of the user who performed the event.
- userIp is the IP address of the user who performed the event.
- success indicates whether the event was successful (
). - type is the event type.
- occurred is the timestamp when the event occurred.
- recorded is the timestamp when the event was recorded by the system.
- (For some event types only) params is a string/string map of additional context information.
- (For some event types only) links is a string/string map of the affected resources.
Event Types
In GoodData, terms workspace and project denote the same entity. For example, project ID is exactly the same as workspace ID. See Find the Workspace ID.
Type | Description | Additional parameters in params | Affected resources in links |
ACCOUNT_LOCK | A user failed to succesfully login and triggered an account lock. | lockType is the type of lock that was applied ( (For enabledTimestamp is the timestamp at which the account is unlocked. | |
CONNECTION | A connection was established. For example, connecting to the GoodData platform using a Data Warehouse proxy triggers this event. | component is the component that the connection was established to. connection_id is the ID of the connection. | |
DATA_ACCESS | A user accessed workspace data. | type is the resource used for accessing data ( (For (For | workspace is the URI of the workspace whose data was accessed. (For |
DATA_EXPORT | A workspace dashboard was exported to PDF. A workspace report was exported to PDF, PNG, XLSX, CSV, or raw CSV. | format is the export format (such as preview identifies whether the data export was performed in preview mode ( | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the exported dashboard or report belongs to. datawarehouse is the URI of the Data Warehouse instance the data was exported from. workspace is the URI of the workspace where the data export was performed. (For exported dashboards only) dashboard is the URI of the exported dashboard. |
DATAWAREHOUSE_LOGOUT | A user logged out from the Data Warehouse instance. | connection_id is the unique ID of the connection with the Data Warehouse instance. timeout identifies whether the logout was forced by the proxy timeout ( | datawarehouse is the URI of the Data Warehouse instance the user logged out from. |
DATAWAREHOUSE_USER_ADD | A user was added to the Data Warehouse instance. | datawarehouse is the URI of the Data Warehouse instance the user was added to. profile is the URI of the user's profile who was added to the Data Warehouse instance. | |
DATAWAREHOUSE_USER_REMOVE | A user was removed from the Data Warehouse instance. | datawarehouse is the URI of the Data Warehouse instance the user was removed from. profile is the URI of the user's profile who was removed from the Data Warehouse instance. | |
ETL_ADD_MANUAL_EXECUTE | A user manually executed Automated Data Distribution (ADD; see Automated Data Distribution Reference) either by manually executing an ADD process schedule or by executing an ADD process. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the executed ADD process was placed. process is the URI of the executed ADD process. execution is the URI of the ADD process execution. instance is the URI of the Data Warehouse instance where ADD ran. | |
ETL_PROCESS_CREATE | A user created an ETL process. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the ETL process was created. process is the URI of the created ETL process. | |
ETL_PROCESS_DELETE | A user deleted an ETL process. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the ETL process was deleted from. process is the URI of the deleted ETL process. | |
ETL_PROCESS_MANUAL_ EXECUTE | A user manually executed an ETL process. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the executed ETL process was placed. process is the URI of the executed ETL process. execution is the URI of the ETL process execution. | |
ETL_PROCESS_UPDATE | A user updated an ETL process. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the ETL process was updated. process is the URI of the updated ETL process. | |
ETL_SCHEDULE_CHANGE | A user changed an ETL schedule. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the changed ETL schedule was placed. process is the URI of the ETL process that contains the changed ETL schedule. schedule is the URI of the changed ETL schedule. | |
ETL_SCHEDULE_MANUAL_ EXECUTE | A user manually executed an ETL schedule. | workspace is the URI of the workspace where the executed ETL schedule was placed. process is the URI of the ETL process that contains the executed ETL schedule. schedule is the URI of the executed ETL schedule. execution is the URI of the ETL schedule execution. | |
INVITATION_RESENT | An invitation to join a workspace was re-sent to a user. | invited is the email of the invited user. | workspace is the URI of the workspace to which the user was invited. role is the URI of the role under which the user was invited to the workspace (see User Roles). |
INVITATION_SENT | An invitation to join a workspace was sent to a user. | invited is the email of the invited user. | workspace is the URI of the workspace to which the user was invited. role is the URI of the role under which the user was invited to the workspace (see User Roles). |
LOGIN | A user logged in to the GoodData platform. | loginType is the type of login (basic authentication login, username/password login, SSO, SFTP, and so on). component is the component that the user logged in to (web app, WebDAV, Data Warehouse). | (For |
PROJECT_USER_ADD | A user was added to the workspace. | workspace is the URI of the workspace to which the user was added. profile is the URI of the user's profile who was added. | |
PROJECT_USER_STATUS_CHANGE | The status in a user's profile changed. | status is the changed status (ENABLED /DISABLED ) of the user. | workspace is the URI of the workspace in which the user's status changed. profile is the URI of the user's profile. |
SCHEDULED_MAIL_SEND | A scheduled email was sent. | bcc is the email addresses of the users who are specified in the Bcc field of the scheduled email. | workspace is the URI of the workspace from which the scheduled email was sent. |
SSO_LOGOUT | A user was logged out. | ||
SSO_PROVIDER_CREATE | An SSO provider was created through the API. | providerName is the name of the SSO provider. providerType is the type of the SSO provider. domainId is the ID of the domain the SSO provider belongs to. | |
SSO_PROVIDER_DELETE | An SSO provider was deleted through the API. | providerName is the name of the SSO provider. providerType is the type of the SSO provider. domainId is the ID of the domain the SSO provider belongs to. | |
SSO_PROVIDER_UPDATE | An SSO provider was updated through the API. | providerName is the name of the SSO provider. providerType is the type of the SSO provider. domainId is the ID of the domain the SSO provider belongs to. | |
SST_CREATE | A Super Secured Token (SST) was created and saved for a user. | verify_level specifies how the SST should be returned to the client, in an HTTP cookie or a custom HTTP header (see API for logging in to the GoodData platform). | profile is the URI of the user's profile for whom the SST was created. |
STANDARD_LOGOUT | A user logged out. | ||
USER_CREATE | A user account was created. | login is the login of the created user. domain is the domain that the created user belongs to. | profile is the URI of the created user's profile. |
USER_DELETE | A user account was deleted. | login is the login of the deleted user. domain is the domain that the deleted user belongs to. | profile is the URI of the deleted user's profile. |
USER_IP_WHITELIST_CHANGE | The IP whitelisting setting (see GoodData IP Addresses and IP Whitelisting) in a user's profile changed. | profile is the URI of the user's profile. | |
USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE | A user's password was changed, created, or reset. | login is the login of the user. domain is the domain that the user belongs to. |
USER_PROFILE_CHANGE | A user's profile changed. | profile is the URI of the user's profile. | |
USER_PROVISIONED_BY_SAML | A user was provisioned by SAML login (SAML provider). This event covers all provisioning steps: provisioning a user, provisioning a user in the workspace, provisioning a user group. If one of the steps fails, the event is considered unsuccessful. | saml_provider is the provider that did the provisioning. project_id is the ID of the workspace where the user was provisioned (present only if (Optional) dataproduct_id and client_id are the data product ID and the client ID, respectively, where the user was provisioned. project_role is the user role in the provisioned workspace (see User Roles) (if not specified, the default role was assigned). user_groups is the provisioned user groups of the user (if not specified, no user groups were provisioned). |