Embedded Dashboard and Report API - Events and Methods

For tighter integration of embedded dashboards, GoodData provides several events, methods, and embedding parameters that you can use for interaction with the parent application.

  • Embedding parameters allow you to customize how the dashboard is embedded, such as the dashboard or dashboard tab to display.
  • Events allow you to notify the parent application about internal dashboard events, such as exporting or link clicks.
  • Methods let the parent application control the dashboard, such as initiating a print operation.

The following articles discuss paramters, events, and methods in greater detail:

Both the events and the methods are provided via the window.postMessage mechanism. All messages are in the stringified JSON format. For more information, see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/.

The parent application can mean either of the following:

  • window.parent of the frame, in which the dashboard is embedded
  • window.opener in case the dashboard has been opened in a new window