Embed Analytical Designer

Embedding Analytical Designer creates a version of Analytical Designer minus the platform functions (open as report) for use in your own product.

  • If you are a Growth or Enterprise customer, embedding Analytical Designer (insights) and KPI Dashboards will remove all the GoodData branding.
  • If you are a Free customer, the following Powered by GoodData logo will be displayed on embedded tools. 
     Clicking the logo will open either the GoodData product documentation (if you are an administrator) or the GoodData website (if you were assigned one of other User Roles)

Create a URL for Embedding Analytical Designer

This article assumes that you access your workspaces at https://secure.gooddata.com/.

  • If you are a GoodData Free user, replace secure.gooddata.com with the domain from the link that you received in your GoodData Free confirmation email (for example, free123ab.na.gooddata.com).
  • If you are a GoodData Growth user, replace secure.gooddata.com with the domain from the link that you received in your GoodData confirmation email (for example, yourcompanyname.na.gooddata.com).
  • If you are a white-labeled customer, replace secure.gooddata.com with your white-labeled domain.



  1. Log in to the GoodData Portal.

  2. Click the Analyze tab.

  3. Check the URL in the browser address bar. For example:

  4. Add the string /embedded/ into the URL after /analyze. For example:



    For more details about formats of the embedded URL, see Embedding Code Formats.

  5. If you want to use tags to display or hide only certain attributes, facts, metrics, or dates in the drop-drown menus in the edit mode, add either of the following parameters to the URL: ?includeObjectsWithTags=[tagName] - to show only the attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tag ?excludeObjectsWithTags=[tagName] - to hide the attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tag


    For more information about the tags, see Add a Tag to an Attribute, Add a Tag to a Metric, Add a Tag to a Fact, and Add a Tag to a Dataset.

Use the completed URL as the basis for embedding your Analytical Designer. For example:


Add the embedded Analytical Designer to your page

The following is an example reference for embedding Analytical Designer to open to the form for creating a new insight:

<iframe src="https://secure.gooddata.com/analyze/embedded/#/{workspace_id}/reportId/edit" frameborder="0"></iframe>

You can customize the URL to open a specific insight instead of the form for creating a new one.

Customize the URL to open a specific insight

If you want the embedded Analytical Designer open a specific insight, replace the reportID section in the embed URL with the ID of the insight that you want to open.

The URL for embedding then would look like the following:


The following is an example reference for embedding Analytical Designer to open to a specific insight:

<iframe src="https://secure.gooddata.com/analyze/embedded/#/{workspace_id}/{insight_identifier}/edit" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Preload Analytical Designer in a Hidden iframe

To shorten loading times when editing embedded insights, you can define a postMessage that preloads Analytical Designer with data catalog in a hidden iframe. When you then open an embedded insight for editing, Analytical Designer then loads only the insight configuration.

The postMessage can have the following formats:

  • A postMessage with the workspace ID and the insight ID

      "gdc": {
        "product": "analyticalDesigner",
        "event": {
          "name": "openInsight",
          "data": {
            "projectId": "{workspace_id}",
            "reportId": "{insight_identifier}",
            "dataset": "{dataset_id}",
            "includeObjectsWithTags": "[{tag_name},{tag_name}]",
            "excludeObjectsWithTags": "[{tag_name},{tag_name}]"
    projectIdyesstringWorkspace ID
    reportIdyesstringThe identifier of the insight to be edited To create a new insight, explicitly set it to reportId.
    datasetnostringDataset identifier
    includeObjectsWithTagsnoarrayShow only attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tags
    excludeObjectsWithTagsnoarrayHide attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tags
  • A postMessage with the client ID, the data product ID, and the insight ID

      "gdc": {
        "product": "analyticalDesigner",
        "event": {
          "name": "openInsight",
          "data": {
            "productId": "{data_product_id}",
            "clientId": "{client_id}",
            "reportId": "{insight_identifier}",
            "dataset": "{dataset_id}",
            "includeObjectsWithTags": "[{tag_name},{tag_name}]",
            "excludeObjectsWithTags": "[{tag_name},{tag_name}]"
    productIdyesstringData product ID To redirect to the default data product, set it to default.
    clientIdyesstringClient ID
    reportIdyesstringThe identifier of the insight to be edited To create a new insight, explicitly set it to reportId.
    datasetnostringDataset identifier
    includeObjectsWithTagsnoarrayShow only attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tags
    excludeObjectsWithTagsnoarrayHide attributes, metrics, facts, and dates with the specified tags

Communication with the Embedded Analytical Designer

For detailed information, see Communication with Embedded Analytical Designer.