Connecting to Data Warehouse from CloudConnect

Using the JDBC driver, you can create integrations between CloudConnect Designer and your Data Warehouse instance. Using CloudConnect components, you can create ETL graphs to load data into your Data Warehouse instance, transform it within the database using SQL, and extract it from Data Warehouse for use in your GoodData workspaces (also known as projects).

CloudConnect Designer is a downloadable application for building ETL graphs and logical data models for your GoodData projects. For more information on CloudConnect Designer, see the Downloads page at

If you have already installed it, upgrade CloudConnect Designer to the most recent version. The driver is provided as part of the upgrade package.


  1. Create a CloudConnect connection for your Data Warehouse instance. See Creating a Connection between CloudConnect and Data Warehouse. Your connection must include the appropriate JDBC connection string. See Prepare the JDBC Connection String.

  2. Start loading data into Data Warehouse from CloudConnect.

  3. Create project parameters for username, password, and JDBC string. See Project Parameters for Data Warehouse.

  4. Create tables using a CREATE TABLE statement using the DBExecute component. See Creating Tables in Data Warehouse from CloudConnect.

    Data is loaded through CloudConnect by using the COPY LOCAL command in the DBExecute component. See Loading Data to Data Warehouse Staging Tables through CloudConnect.

  5. When data has been loaded into the staging tables, perform any necessary in-database operations. Then, you can merge the data into your production tables. See Merging Data from Data Warehouse Staging Tables to Production.

  6. When data is ready to be moved from Data Warehouse to the datamart, you can extract it using the DBInputTable component and pass the metadata into a GD Dataset Writer component for storage in your GoodData project. See Exporting Data from Data Warehouse using CloudConnect.