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Limited Access to Spatial Functions
The following functions are not allowed for using:
If you want to use the spatial functions, contact your Customer Success Manager.
- STV_Create_Index
- STV_DWithin
- STV_Describe_Index
- STV_Drop_Index
- STV_ForceLHR
- STV_Geography
- STV_GeographyPoint
- STV_Geometry
- STV_GeometryPoint
- STV_Intersect
- STV_IsValidReason
- STV_LineStringPoint
- STV_MemSize
- STV_PolygonPoint
- STV_Refresh_Index
- STV_Rename_Index
- STV_Reverse
- ST_Area
- ST_AsBinary
- ST_AsText
- ST_Boundary
- ST_Buffer
- ST_Centroid
- ST_Contains
- ST_ConvexHull
- ST_Crosses
- ST_Difference
- ST_Disjoint
- ST_Distance
- ST_Envelope
- ST_Equals
- ST_GeographyFromText
- ST_GeographyFromWKB
- ST_GeomFromText
- ST_GeomFromWKB
- ST_GeometryN
- ST_GeometryType
- ST_Intersection
- ST_Intersects
- ST_IsEmpty
- ST_IsSimple
- ST_IsValid
- ST_Length
- ST_NumGeometries
- ST_NumPoints
- ST_Overlaps
- ST_PointN
- ST_Relate
- ST_SymDifference
- ST_Touches
- ST_Union
- ST_Within
- ST_X
- ST_XMax
- ST_XMin
- ST_Y
- ST_YMax
- ST_YMin
- ST_intersects