Upgrading XAE to Version 3

To upgrade XAE to Version 3, set the xae_version platform setting for the XAE value to 3 (see Configure Various Features via Platform Settings).


Check Workspace/Project Compatibility in a Different XAE Version

When preparing to upgrade the XAE to Version 3, check whether your reports will be compatible with this version. Use the API for checking project compatibility to retrieve a list of your project reports with their compatibility status against Version 3.

  • API resource: https://secure.gooddata.com/gdc/projects/{workspace_id}/checkXaeCompatibility

  • Method: POST

  • Request body:

      "checkXaeCompatibilityRequest": {
        "targetXaeVersion": "3"

For each incompatible report, one of the following status messages is displayed:

  • results may change: The report will work, but will return a different result than the currently configured report does.
  • fails with target version: The report will fail with XAE Version 3.
  • fails with current version: The report is failing with the current XAE version.

The response also provides statistics on how many reports fall into each category and the number of the reports that will not change with XAE Version 3.

If you already use XAE Version 3, the response returns a status message of same XAE version with the total number of the reports in the workspace.

Incompatibilities with Previous XAE Versions

The following functions behave differently among XAE versions:

Strict Validation of “=” Filters

With enhanced filter validation for MAQL, the metric editor checks that a relation in a filter compares an attribute to the corresponding attribute values and not to attribute values of a different attribute (as this is never the desired state).

Metrics with invalid filters that were created before June 28, 2018, will continue to work. However, if you want to edit such metrics, you will have to edit them to fix the filters.

It will still be possible to compare different date attributes.


Correct: ... WHERE Priority = High(Priority)

Incorrect: ... WHERE State = High(Priority)