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The PERCENTILE( ) function returns the specified percentile out of some set of values. This could be useful for establishing a threshold of acceptance, such as for candidates who score above the 90th percentile on a certification exam, or rewarding sales reps in the top percentile with regard to deals won in the past year.
where numeric is a fact or metric
where k is a value between 0 and 1 representing the percentile you want returned specified as a decimal. k accepts constants as inputs. Numeric values must be expressed in the following format: 0.xx
For metric expressions, you should compute percentiles using syntax similar to the following:
where numeric is a fact or metric
where k% is a number between 0 and 100 representing the percentile you want returned. k accepts constants as inputs, followed by percent signs as inputs.
For metric expressions, you should compute percentiles using syntax similar to the following: