Set up a KPI Dashboard


On KPI dashboards, you can:

Create KPI dashboards

On the workspace toolbar, click KPIs. Click Add dashboard to start creating a new dashboard.

Add insights

  1. To add an already existing insight, drag the insight from the Saved insights list and drop it to the dashboard area. 

  2. To create a new insight and add it to the dashboard, drag and drop the Insight item to the dashboard area. The Analytical Designer opens. Build your insight and click Save to automatically add it to the dashboard. 

  3. To add drilling to various targets, see:

  4. To enable zoom in insights, click the insight on the dashboard, and select Interactions → Zoomable insight. For details, see Edit KPI Dashboards.

  5. To hide the name of the insight on the dashboard, click the three dots → Configuration and select Hide title.

    Visualization Description

  6. To change the description of a visualization, click the three dots → Configuration and select your option.

    By default, the description is inherited from Analytical Designer. You can also add a custom text or disable the description from displaying.

    The description is displayed when you click on the question mark next to the visualization name.

    Visualization Description

Add KPIs

  1. To add KPIs, drag and drop the Key Performance Indicator item to the dashboard area. 

  2. Select a metric to display. 

  3. Click the KPI to:

    • Filter by different attributes - select any option in the Filter by section. The availability of the options depends on the data available in your workspace.

    • Compare data with the previous period or the same period in previous year - select the option in the Comparison drop down. You can also select whether the resulting percentage is displayed in red or green.

    • Open a pixel-perfect dashboard when user clicks the KPI - select a dashboard in the Drill into dashboard .

Finish and save

  1. To add a title and/or description for a section on the dashboard, click Add Title here and Add Description here at the top of a section. The maximum length of the title is 50 characters; the maximum length of the description is 300 characters. 

  2. To add a name for the dashboard, click Untitled at the top and type the name. To change the dashboard name later, see Rename a KPI Dashboard.

Filter dashboards by date and attributes

For details, see Filters in KPI Dashboards.

Add alerts to KPIs

For details, see Add an Alert to a KPI.

Share dashboards

Every dashboard that you create is saved as a private dashboard that only you can see. You can find your private dashboards in the Private section on the Dashboards tab.

For details about sharing dashboards with other users, see Share Dashboards.

Edit KPI dashboards

To edit a KPI dashboard, select it in the list of dashboards and click Edit.

For additional details, see these topics:

Duplicate KPI dashboards

For details, see Duplicate KPI Dashboards.

Delete KPI dashboards

For details, see Delete a KPI Dashboard.

Embed KPI dashboards

For details, see Embed KPI Dashboards.

KPI Examples

Example 1

Create a KPI to display the number of opportunities created this month (September 2019 in this example), and compare it to the number of opportunities created last month (August 2019):

  1. Drag and drop a KPI to the dashboard.
  2. For the KPI, select the # of Opportunities metric.
  3. Filter by the Opportunities Created date.
  4. Select Compare with → Previous period.
  5. Set the date filter to This month.

Example 2

Create a KPI to display the number of opportunities closed last quarter (July 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019), and compare it to the number of opportunities closed in the same quarter previous year (July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018).

  1. Drag and drop a KPI to the dashboard.
  2. For the KPI, select # of Opportunities.
  3. Filter by the Opportunities Closed date.
  4. Select Compare with → Previous year.
  5. Set the date filter to Last quarter.

How the Dashboard Date Filter and Insight Date Filters Interact

When you add insights to the KPI dashboards, they are filtered by the dashboard date filter. The insight may include their own date filters as well (see Create Insights).

To disable the insight filter, unselect the Filter by date option on the right side pane.

KPI dashboard filterInsight filterWhat is used
No date filter
Insight date filter
Dashboard date filter

Dashboard date filter

If the same date dimension is used in both filters.

Both dashboard and insight date filters (the AND operator)

If different date dimensions are used.