Scheduled Email Issues

This article describes use cases and issues that may appear when working with scheduled emails (see Share Reports and Dashboards with Scheduled Emails and Schedule Automatic Emailing of Dashboards to Yourself and Others).

Understand Differences between Scheduling Emails via the Manage Tab and from a Dashboard Directly

Emails scheduled from a dashboard directly (see Schedule Automatic Emailing of Dashboards to Yourself and Others): Any filters and data permissions applied when scheduling are also applied to the generated emails. Each user will see only the data that they have permission to view. If you schedule the email from the dashboard option and you add other users in CC/BCC, the email will be sent with the permission of the email creator. Therefore, users in CC/BCC will receive the same report that you do.

Emails scheduled from the Manage tab (see Share Reports and Dashboards with Scheduled Emails): When you schedule emails, data permissions will apply the same way as they are set based on the user level. The data permissions are applied to scheduled emails accordingly because the report will be executed as many times and as many users with different data permissions whom you are sending the email to. That means that each recipient will see only the data that they have permission to view. Any filters will be set to their defaults regardless of what the email recipients have set these filters for themselves.

For more information about data permissions, see Data Permissions.

Review the Limits Applied to Scheduled Emails

See “Applied Limits” in Share Reports and Dashboards with Scheduled Emails.

Schedule Emails on a Dashboard

To disable or enable the dashboard email feature for a workspace or domain, use the hideDashboardSchedule platform setting (see Configure Various Features via Platform Settings). To configure this feature for a workspace group (token), contact GoodData Support.

Unsubscribe from an Email

If the email creator unsubscribes from their email, subsequent emails will not be sent out to other recipients. At least one workspace user must be subscribed to the email because the GoodData platform requires the user to authorize sending the email.

Re-subscribe to an Email

You can check who has unsubscribed from emails by navigating to the user list at Manage -> Emailing Dashboards.

If you want to add unsubscribed users back:

Set the Landscape Format

The landscape format for scheduled emails can be set only for reports, not dashboards.

From your selected report, click Export -> PDF (Landscape).

If you need to specifically set the landscape format for scheduled emails, contact GoodData Support.

Alter Schedule Granularity

If you need to set your emails to a schedule other than daily/weekly/monthly/yearly, contact GoodData Support. The highest frequency for sending scheduled emails is every 30 minutes.

Add Page Breaks

Enter edit mode on your dashboard where you see the page-break point. Adjust the dashboards to fit the correct page break. If you need a different page break format for your emails, copy the dashboard and adjust it to fit your email format.

Remove Non-workspace Users from a Scheduled Email

If you need to remove non-workspace users from a scheduled email, contact GoodData Support.

Delete a Dashboard where a Scheduled Email Was Set

If you have deleted a scheduled email but cannot delete the dashboard from which the email was set, contact GoodData Support.

Understand How Scheduled Emails and Saved Views Interact

If you create and apply a saved view on your scheduled email, recipients must not alter their filters, otherwise this can lead to receiving different results than intended by the scheduler. For more information, see Using Saved Views.

Change User Email Addresses

If a user’s email address is changed, nothing needs to be updated in the scheduled emails. Changes to a user’s email address are automatically applied.