Project Templates
The project templates are no longer supported.
Why we no longer support this feature
The GoodData platform focuses on providing first-class support for project provisioning using functions and tools of Life Cycle Management (see Managing Workspaces via Life Cycle Management). The project templates are an obsolete technology and had to be replaced.
Are you affected?
You are affected if you create new projects using the projectTemplate
Action required
Adopt Life Cycle Management (see Managing Workspaces via Life Cycle Management) or update your solution to run without the project templates.
What happens if you keep using the project templates
You cannot use the following APIs:
The API resource for listing all GoodData project templates
This API resource was removed. If used, the server returns an HTTP code of 404 (Not found).
The API resource for listing project templates for a project{workspace_id}/project-templates/
This API resource was removed. If used, the server returns an HTTP code of 404 (Not found).
The API resource for creating a project with the
parameterPOST projectTemplate={project_template_name}
parameter is not supported in this API resource. If used, the server returns an HTTP code of 400 (Bad request).
Need help?
If you have questions, contact GoodData Support.